Monday, April 28, 2008

Finding family in Maine

Go to Quebec this summer through Maine and do some local research for your family roots. These resources are on the way and offer valuable help for genealogists.

Maine Franco-American Genealogical Society

Auburn, Maine

University of Maine at Fort Kent
Fort Kent, Maine

Franco American Center / Centre Franco-Américain, et Le FORUM University of Maine
Orono, ME

Quebec Genealogical Research Tour

The New England Historic Genealogical Society

In celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the founding of Quebec NEHG is offering a research tour that will allow participants to take advantage of two premier Canadian genealogy repositories at the Societe Canadienne-Francaise (SGCF) and the Bibliotheque et Archives national du Quebec (BAnQ). The tour will incorporate field trips to 18th century sites and the assistance of NEHGS staff in discovering les traces des ancetres.

The program will run from June 15 to June 22. You will be responsible for your own travel but NEHG has arranged lodging and tour facilities. Tour costs include accomodations, three group meals, admission costs to official sites, and coach bus transport to the Village Quebecois d'Antan. Single registration is $1,550....commuter registration with $775.

Sounds like an interesting an fun time. You can also check in with the Anniversary celebrations in QC. Take a look at:

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Maine travel resources

The Travel resources at In addition we will posting some itineraries for Ancestral travelers here with links to the Maine pages of interest.

Pages in French with a couple of very useful brochures are found on the Maine pages in French

If you want to use your French take a look at:

It will be intresting during this year of the 400th Anniversary of the founding of Quebec City to follow the trails that migrants from Quebec took in their move to New England. We will have more on that in coming posts.